RootsTech 2021


RootsTech 2021 by popular US online genealogists, Price Genealogy: RootsTech digital ad.

RootsTech 2021 is upon us ( and will be live continuously until Saturday 9 pm (February27th).  For those who may not be familiar with RootsTech, this is a yearly conference dedicated to celebrating and discovering family connections, both past and present. It is generally held at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City in February, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual event was created FOR FREE!  Already, over 400,000 people from all over the world have registered for this event. There are over 1500 classes on a variety of genealogical and family related subjects as well as a Main Stage where you may hear from many keynote speakers. There is even a unique feature titled “Relatives at RootsTech” in which you may be able to learn of attendees who are related to you.  In addition, the Expo Hall features over 100 vendors with demo videos, free handouts, drawings and more. All of the demo videos are included in a Demo Theater which contains a wealth of information.  

RootsTech 2021

WE ARE THERE!  Please come and visit our virtual booth (Price Genealogy) watch our videos, learn about our specials and, especially, enter our drawing.  We would love to even chat with you there in our chat booth.

This is a marvelous event and will be open for a year for those who have registered! It’s not too late to register!  Just go to and have fun exploring the site. Remember, it is free and will be open for a year for those who have registered.

Are you going to RootsTech 2021?  Let us know in a comment below!